The xtpxlib-xdoc
component uses DocBook 5.1 as its source and target vocabulary. However, for generating output (see the docbook-to-pdf
and docbook-to-xhtml
pipelines) it does not implement the full standard (which is huge!) but only those elements/attributes that were deemed necessary. This document
will explain what is in and what's not.
Both the <book>
and the <article>
root element are supported.
For docbook-to-pdf
conversion: A <book>
root results in a book-like output
(with a front page, ToC, etc.). The <article>
root results in something more memo style.
Document information: The only document information elements recognized are (any others are ignored):
<info> <title> ... main title ... </title> <subtitle> ... subtitle ...</subtitle> <pubdate> ... publication date ... </pubdate> <author> <personname> ... author name ...</personname> </author> <orgname> ... organization ... </orgname> <mediaobject role="top-logo"> <!-- Use either role="top-logo" or no role attribute. --> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="..." width="...(opt)" height="...(opt)"/> </imageobject> </mediaobject> <mediaobject role="center-page"> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="..." width="...(opt)" height="...(opt)"/> </imageobject> </mediaobject> </info>
the following block level constructions are recognized and handled:
Paragraphs: Normal <para>
elements recognize the following role attribute values
(multiple, whitespace separated, values allowed):
Tables: Both <table>
and <informaltable>
are allowed. An
example of a formal table above. An informal table below.
Add role="nonumber"
to a table to stop it from getting a number:
Blurp | Blorb |
Example | of |
an | unnumbered table |
An <entrytbl> |
A table can have multiple <tgroup>
You can add a nested table in a cell using the <entrytbl>
element (currently for PDF only).
elements are ignored.
Tables are notoriously difficult in that FOP cannot compute column widths automatically. To amand this (a little bit) add
information. There is also a mechanism for columns with code (set in a fixed-width font), see 6.7 Fixed-width column mechanism.
Program listings: For program listings use the
The easiest way to handle this turned out to put longer program listings in external files and use an <xi:include
<programlisting><xi:include href="ref" parse="text"/></programlisting>
For PDF generation it is possible to use so-called callouts to draw attention to parts of a program listing. These callouts can become links (both ways) using the right markup. For example:
xquery version "3.0" encoding "UTF-8"; module namespace x101log = ""; declare function x101log:add-log-message($message as xs:string) as empty-sequence() … };
[*** Element calloutlist not supported for HTML conversion (phase: main)]
Figures: Both <figure>
are allowed. Width and height can be set on the image data.
Add role="nonumber"
to a <figure>
to stop it from getting a number.
In running the conversion pipelines, you can specify (as an option) a special "global" directory that contains global images (and other
resources). When an image is located in this global directory add a role="global"
to the <figure>
element. Any
directory information in @fileref
is ignored.
Bridgeheads: The <bridgehead>
element inserts a bridgehead
paragraph (bold, underlined and with an empty line before):
Simple lists: The <simplelist>
element inserts a simple
Variable lists: The <variablelist>
element inserts a
variable list list (also very useful for explaining terms, definitons, etc.):
If you add a <title>
element, the standard title will be replaced by its contents.
Examples: The <example>
element inserts an example:
Add role="nonumber"
to an example to stop it from getting a number.
[*** Element blockquote not supported for HTML conversion (phase: main)]
the following inline elements are recognized and handled:
Use role="bold"
or role="underline"
to set a specific type of emphasis.
or <code>
Creates a piece of literal, mono-spaced
Lot's of other elements that have to do with programming (like <function>>
and <varname>
) have the same effect.
: Outputs some link (e.g. a web address). Use one of:
The visible contents will consist of either the contents of the <link>
element or (if empty) the contents of
or @linkend
. Like this or like
For HTML, add role="newpage"
to get a new page/tab when clicking on the link.
: Inserts an inline image , like this.
In running the conversion pipelines, you can specify (as an option) a special "global" directory that contains global images (and other
resources). When an image is located in this global directory add a role="global"
to the <inlinemediaobject>
Any directory information in @fileref
is ignored.
: Inserts a citation between square brackets like this:
: Use to indicate an exetuble program or a user provided command, like
this: git checkout origin
: Use to indicate an an email address, like this:
: Use to indicate an a filename, like this:
: Use to indicate text to be replaced with user or context supplied
values, like this: add your own stuff here
: Use to indicate a keyboard physical key, like this:
, <subcript>
: For super- and subscripts, like
this: XXsuper YYsub
: Use to indicate data entered by the user, like this: data
entered here
: Use for adding a quote: [*** Unrecognized element: <quote xml:id="d3702e6023"> (phase: inline)].
: Indicates an object from the XML vocabulary. The
attribute signifies what:
For HTML, add role="newpage"
to get a new page/tab when clicking on the link.
: Inserts a cross-reference to the id referenced by
Use role="text"
to only get the (unquoted) text only in cases where a "…" on page … would normally appear.
Use role="capitalize"
to force the reference string (for chapters/appendices/pages/figures/tables/…) to start with an
upper-case character (so you can be sure a sentence that starts with an <xref>
always starts with a capital).
Otherwise it depends on what is pointed to:
Target | Result/Examples |
To anything that holds an xreflabel attribute |
paragraph with xreflabel attribute |
To a chapter or appendix | chapter # or appendix # |
To a section | 6.2 Document information |
To a table (with a number), like this one | table 6-4 |
To a figure (with a number) | figure 6-1 |
To an example (with a number) | example 6-1 |
To anything else | First paragraph: para Unnumbered table: table |
Adds a footnote[*** Element footnote not supported for HTML conversion (phase: inline)]
There are lots of elements that are ignored. For instance all the <gui…>
elements, <orgname>
and many more (but the
list is not (yet) DocBook complete).
FOP (in the current version, 3Q19) cannot compute the column-widths automatically. It divides the space and you can set a fixed column-width
(with colspec/@colwidth
). For the case that a column contains code stuff (text in a fixed-width font) and you
want the column-width to be dependent on the text in such a column, there is a (unfortunately a bit complicated) mechanism for this.
The fixed-width column mechanism consists of two parts:
Add a role
attribute to the <colspec>
element with, as one of the roles, code-width-cm:min-max
where min
and max
are (positive) doubles. For instance <colspec role="code-width-cm:1.2-4">
and max
are the minimum and maximum column-widths, expressed in cm.
The PDF conversion will now look in all the contents of this particular column for entries <code role="code-width-limited">
Based on the length of these entries it computes an optimal column-width, but always between min
and max
If a table entry contains contents in a <code role="code-width-limited">
element, it tries to make it fit within the
available column-width. If necessary the line is split to prevent overflowing of table cell contents.
This is (currently) not completely fool-proof: if the contents contains whitespace or hyphens, it is assumed to line-break correctly by itself. That, of course, does not guarantee correct results. So it may need a little experimenting before things look right.
A column that contains <code role="code-width-limited">
contents must have a column width set
in cm (either directly with <colspec colwidth="…cm">
or by the dynamic mechanism described above).